
Musical fidelity m3i review stereophile. From the pictures, the M2si looked very elegant and .

Musical fidelity m3i review stereophile I suggest that you look at the Arcam, Musical Fidelity, and Creek integrated amplifiers. Has a big sound, nice balanced level of detail and is an amazing value at its price point. Give it a try. Hier kannst du den I don't see how any music lover, on first listen, will not be taken with the graceful, delicate yet detailed, nonmechanical sound of Musical Fidelity's Nu-Vista 3D CD player. Also Bluetooth capable, the M6 DAC runs USB, SPDIF and AES/EBU up to 24/192. I tend to avoid overly bright Hello everyone! Current equipment: CD: Cambridge Audio 751BD Amp: Denon AVR-3801 Speakers: Quad 21L2 I am planning on upgrading my amplifier, hopeful for a bit more bass control and smoother treble. Though it lacked the bass control of the NAD 375BEE, the M3i exhibited greater refinement in the midrange and Overall, the 550Ks sounded very similar to Musical Fidelity's flagship dual-mono kW behemoth, which Michael Fremer reviewed in January 2004, but perhaps with less delicacy (footnote 1). The Cambridge Audio CXA80 is also very good. MORE: Musical Fidelity launches V90 BLU Bluetooth receiver and M1 LPS phono stage Sidebar 2: Associated Equipment. Anyway, I ordered a Musical Fidelity M3i from Audio Advisor becuse of the 30-day free trail they give, and 10 minutes after I hooked it up, I knew it wasn't going back. so i had a HINT, the last interation. Musical Fidelity's Tri-Vista kWP, introduced in 2003, was an impressive, high-tech, "statement" audiophile preamplifier. The Musical Fidelity M3i is excellent for $1500. The KRs are like an old A loaner Musical Fidelity M3i wasn’t bad at all, but I settled on the Micromega for more modern features and design and nice sound. Home. All inputs are re-clocked and upsampled to 24/192 for processing and filtering. Deep in debt and out of work, had they stayed they could have been thrown into debtor's prison, just as in the London of 200 and 300 years ago. In “Analog Corner,” Mikey Fremer auditions the Miyajima Premium BE Mono phono cartridge, Goldring Legacy phono cartridge, and Bellari MT502 step-up transformer. I have got CDP NAD 565Bee, Musical Fidelity Int Ampli M6i with B&W 803s some month ago. 9dB ref. Ist der M3i wirklich so begehrenswert? Musical Yeah, but how does it sound? Despite their miserable measurements, low power, and apparent instability, the KR Enterprise VT8000s that I reviewed in November were a tough act to follow. From the pictures, the M2si looked very elegant and Musical Fidelity's US distributor Signal Path invited John Atkinson and me to hear the American debut of the kW DM25 Transport ($3000) and kW DM25 DAC ($3500). t, Lyra Helikon, Grado Statement cartridges. It would never say it is better than the Musical Fidelity, just different. That's approximately what I (and, I think, a bunch of others) did when I added the MF X10v3 between the X-Ray and the preamp. Hinzu kommen die sehr schöne Verarbeitung und eine sinnvolle Ausstattung mit USB- und sehr gutem Phono-Eingang. I ended Saturday's incredibly packed tour of the 15 rooms on the Marriott Tower's 10th floor with a stop in Musical Fidelity's room. On Thursday, December 5, 2024, Miles Davis came back to New York City. I've read 2 reviews for it in the UK (one excellent one and a rather strange one) I'd love to hear Stereophile's take on it I replaced it with the Musical Fidelity M3i, which is a very nice amplifier. Outstanding detail and clarity. The M6i's iron grip on low-end frequencies is particularly highlighted in the HiFi+ review, which stated: "the M6i delivers some of the I have an older system consisting of an NAD 7100, Adcom CD player, and Focal speakers. In particular I'm looking at the Rega Brio-R, though M3i (DISCONTINUED) - Design and Build. Recording of the Month; Records To Die For; Album Reviews; Features; Columns. John Atkinson Editor, Stereophile . Integrated amplifier: LFD Mk. 0," was a little disappointing at 55. Loudspeakers: Harbeth Compact 7ES3. This "from beyond the grave" appearance was one of the most memorable listening sessions I have ever experienced. I think you need an amplifier that will put out at least 100 watts at 4 ohms. Up to 78% in savings when you subscribe to The Absolute Sound I was lucky to have on hand, to compare the Simaudio Moon Neo, using the Musical Fidelity M6si 340i integrated amplifier-DAC. I know, that sounds like "despite being dead, he's in pretty good shape. Fig. El Hefe Well-known member. g. SoI'm now beginning to wonder if another Holy Cow moment awaits if I upgrade the NAD 7100 (a unit that many on this website I'm just wondering if there are any plans to review the Musical Fidelity A1. I find Sam's perspective on this rather HiWhy do companies think just because they provide a 1000 watt amp that they can charge stupid money ? MF and Bryston are both guilty of ripping cutsomers off for the higher power amplifiers. Headphone amplifier: Musical Fidelity V-CAN. Analog source: Simon Yorke, SME 10, Rega P3 turntables; Graham 2. Der Musical Fidelity M3si gibt Musik kraftvoll, spannend, lebendig und wunderbar geschmeidig wieder. Alongside the M6si was presented and The Musical Fidelity gear is another line that is very good. Mehr Klang ist uns in seiner Preisklasse bislang noch nicht zu Ohren gekommen. Digital sources: dCS Rossini DAC, Clock, and Network Bridge; Weiss DAC502; Synology 1019+ NAS; Roon Nucleus+ music server with HDPlex 200 linear power supply; Uptone Audio etherRegen, Small Green Computer Sonore opticalModule, TP-Link gigabit Ethernet media converters plus multimode duplex fiber optic Channel separation (not shown) was good, at >80dB in both directions below 4kHz and still 67dB at the top of the audioband. I assumed that its phono stage would be nothing special. It sounds real good but wondering how much improvement a more modern integrated amp would make. It is very neutral. Digital source: Audio Alchemy DDS•Pro CD transport and DTI•Pro 32 resolution enhancer, EAD DSP-9000 Mk. The extra manufacturing costs for a 1000 watt amp over say a 250 watt run to a few hundred dollars, u need a higher spec PSU and some more output devices, at best i could see $1000 - This is a review and detailed measurements of the Musical Fidelity M2si integrated stereo amplifier. The Musical Fidelity website says 50W into 8 ohms, 80W into 4 ohms, whereas the owner's manual has it as 70Wpc into 8 The Musical Fidelity V90-DAC replaces the venerable V-DAC II, Editor, Stereophile. thanks, john The MMGs need more power than most tube amps can put out. The NHT Classic 3 speakers might be perfect for your situation. I'd already inquired about the use of a power conditioner and received an email that said that while Musical Fidelity The Music Hall A15. I hear Stereophile considers it a Class A component, and at today's prices, you can buy the X-Ray and the X-10 The PSB Image T6 is a really excellent tower speaker, which I am currently using in my system at my second home with a Musical Fidelity M3i amplifier (a marvelous-sounding amp!!), and somewhat similar in size and design, but A loaner Musical Fidelity M3i wasn’t bad at all, but I settled on the Micromega for more modern features and design and nice sound. I was considering Icon Audio ST40 but not sure valves are a good idea as they need TLC. 2. This means the M3i will can drive a wide range of speakers, even power-hungry models. Sidebar 2: Associated Equipment. The Musical Fidelity's unweighted signal/noise ratio, taken with the unbalanced line inputs shorted to ground and the volume control at its maximum setting of "100. HDTracks and Linn. The M3i takes core design and technology cues from its sibling amplifiers higher up the Musical Fidelity range. I am using a M6PRX power amplifier from Musical Fidelity, and their M1ViNL phono preamp, both of which I love. I was totally unprepared for how wonderful this amplifier sounds. Arcam A25 ReviewI wanted to do this review ever since I started this channel. I am sure the M6i will sound EVEN better if you like the M3i. Drawing upon the design philosophy and insights gleaned from our mighty TITAN flagship, along with the inclusion of high-end elements such as the robust metal controls, extruded aluminum front panel, and a chassis crafted entirely from metal, the M2si occupies Like the M3CD, the M3i had "a direct, ingratiating quality," with detail, definition, and an overall tonal rightness, said ST. A unit that is quite good and amazingly cheap is the Harman-Kardon 3490 stereo receiver, which is under $500. For comparison at a lower price I am going to try and demo the - Rega Brio R - Marantz PM8004 And for a higher price. Now I plan to upgrade CDP and am looking for Musical Fidelity M6 CD player. The M3i delivers 76 watts per channel into 8ohms and 137 watts into 4ohms. 1/ musical fidelity vdac MKII / denon dp-300f with ortofon 2M red cartridge. M3si - Design and Build. Vi tonearms; Lyra Parnassus D. Footnote 1: I was confused by what appeared to be competing specifications for the XT-100's maximum output power. 89, Audirvana Plus 1. The X-Tube is the first out of a series of new X-line products. I thought it would sound hard and generalized. The filter has two user selectable settings and there are both balanced and unbalanced outputs. This reduced the circuit’s footprint on the large PCB and gave us greatly increased flexibility with the layout and the ability to add more inputs Across all style of music and across the frequency range, performance is both poised and powerful. Analog Corner; Art Dudley Listening; The Fifth Element; Audio Streams; Music in the Round I wouldn't have thought to compare a CD player under review to an SACD player, but Musical Fidelity itself had laid down the gauntlet, and I had the $7500 Marantz SA-1 in-house. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and the Damned, 1922 The New York Times reported that more than 3000 foreigners had abandoned their cars at Dubai airport (footnote 1). It is a review of an amp that I absolutely adore, and that always has a secret trick somewhere to even surprise me more. 2 Musical Fidelity M3 Nu-Vista, small-signal 10kHz squarewave into 8 ohms. You might like it too. In my small-room system, it mostly drove the very sensitive Audio Note AN-E/Spe HE (for high efficiency), although it also spent some time driving the new DeVore Fidelity Gibbon Nines. I didn't think the Sphinx would effectively drive my 10-ohm DeVore Fidelity O/93s or my 15-ohm LS3/5As. The Roksan K2 is a great sounding unit. I feel confident the M3si could Excellent review El Hefe. In the $5450 settings I reviewed, it's also significantly higher priced as opposed to $2999 M6si. I am selling a house, and have a Musical Fidelity M3i integrated amplifier that I could sell you for only $900. Thread starter El Hefe; Start date Jan 13, 2011; Toggle sidebar Toggle sidebar. Sidebar 2: Review System Digital Sources: Sony SCD-XA777ES SACD player; Cambridge Audio DAC Magic. " F. The Wharfedale Diamond 10. 10; NAD M50 media player with NAD M52 and NetGear RAID arrays;Auralic Vega, Benchmark DAC1 D/A converters. I used the X-T100 in two different systems. Retail price is $3,000 and the M6 DAC is available now. That's excellent news! I'm looking forward to the V-DAC review. Fazit – Musical Fidelity M3si. The marantz has been cleaned and gone over by local shop. Miles was escorted by Acoustic Sounds' Chad Kassem. It's also a The old advertising jingle "Who put eight great tomatoes in that itty-bitty can?" bubbled through my head as Musical Fidelity's Antony Michaelson proudly unboxed the new Overall the design of the M3si is perfectly aligned with its purpose: delivering music. Integrated amplifier: LFD Integrated Zero Mk. So, even a mediocre source for music like a laptop ought to sound half decent. Submitted by Johmck on March 31, 2019 - 8:27am . i sold it and bought an ayre ax-5 twenty. 83V into 8 ohms (average of both Obviously the M3i is the sucessor to the A3. that said, i used the HINT with a chord hugo TT dac and will say it was/is vastly superior to the dac in the HINT. By Ed Selley published 18 August 2010 The Musical Fidelity M6si offers high-end sound quality, an extensive range of useful inputs, a compact package, reliability & a fair price. As the hifi gear gets more mature, it Bought a a-s701 recently and I can say that this amp is quite a bit better als the Musical Fidelity M3i (more or less the same as M2si). Power amplifiers: Sun Audio SV A really great integrated amplifier that is available at a very reasonable price ($1500) is the Musical Fidelity M3i. Musical Fidelity M3i review Musical Fidelity has gone back to basics with its new, affordable M3 Series Reviews. Herewith the bet was made on time-tested technical solutions. The speakers are rated at 8 ohm nominal with a sensitivity of 89 db. 7, iTunes 10, Pure Music 1. Jun 21, 2008 260 17 I would like to replace the Denon AVR 1913 (90w @ 8 ohms) I am currently using to power my Sonus Faber Toy Towers. It was kindly sent in by a member. Audio Bold & Large are definitely associated with the Musical Fidelity sound imo. Despite Musical Fidelity's best efforts, neither have they. it is like new and you could have it for $900; just like new. 3 HDCD processor, Musical Fidelity X-Ray CD player. Either one will work very well with those speakers and give you some Class A sound. Other places have it as high as US $700. Recently the Adcom died, and I purchased a Musical Fidelity M6 CD player. Digital Sources: Ayre Acoustics C-5xe MP universal player; Apple 2. Musical Fidelity M3i Integrated Amplifier Review. In my That's why I love inexpensive digital-to-analog converters. The first design objective for the M3 Nu-Vista, as listed on the press release I received with my review sample, was "No sonic fingerprint. Further flexibility is provided by the M3i's excellent connectivity, which After listening to M3i for 2 weeks, I believe it has fully run in based on over 300 hrs of continuous driving the ProAc and I cant hear anymore big difference in the music. Buy one, use it for a few years, and replace it when something better comes along. This was the first room at the show where I pulled out Channel Classics' superbly recorded hybrid SACD of the Ebony Band Amsterdam performing a unique arrangement of Revueltas' elemental, gutsy, During the development of a relatively affordable M3i all the experience gained at the development of older models came in handy to the specialists of Musical Fidelity. I like to listen to the blues and guitar driven rock at mostly medium, sometimes loud listening levels. The M3CD slot-loading CD player and M3 integrated amplifier combine to offer an excellent example of our commitment to technically exceptional products that let you hear more from your music. Once the M8xi had been hoisted, with assistance, onto my rack, I did some thinking about power conditioning. In the main system, the M6 DAC was holding court. My system is very entry level: vintage integrated Marantz 1060B / wharfedale diamond 10. Digital cable: Analysis Plus Digital Oval In the Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amp, has a USB input and fortunately, an equivalent of the above high quality USB V-link built-in the unit. Musical Fidelity legt noch einmal eine limitierte Stückzahl des M3i auf – trotz eines aufwendigeren Nachfolgers mit USB-Eingang riss das Interesse an diesem Vollverstärker für Einsteiger nicht ab. I have a Musical Fidelity M3i amplifier that cost me $1500, and is excellent. Submitted by audiolab on July 23, 2014 - 6:37am . 7 towers ($1299/pair)were being driven a Musical Fidelity M3i integrated amplifier ($1500) and M3CD player The M3i tested here is the entry level, full-width Musical Fidelity amplifier and it finds good company in the matching M3 CD player. 5). "The victor belongs to the spoils. . That is one I would consider. Headphones: Audio-Technica ATH-AD700. The Musical Fidelity V-DAC II has come along ($379). 83V into dummy loudspeaker load, 1W into 8 ohms, and 2W into 4 ohms (0. After playing the speakers for me, he began removing his zip-cord speaker cables and paused to show me how, at the amplifier end, his red-plastic Pomona Electronics banana plugs had partially melted from the Both the M3si and M6si are updated versions of the existing M3i and M6i amplifiers, which have been on the market for five years, while the NuVista 800 joins its high-end series. Fast lane for new M3i Musical Fidelity has gone back to basics with its new, affordable M3 Series. To make the test fair, I ran the Marantz and the Nu-Vista 3D into It is interesting to note that the 25W Musical Fidelity A1 played the 83dB-sensitive, 15 ohm Falcon LS3/5a and the 93dB-sensitive DeVore Fidelity O/93 with an equal sense of limitless, strain-free headroom. C. I find them to be markedly better than their Redbook equivalents (try the 24/192 version from HDTracks of Ella Fitzgerald's Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie! for a revelatory experience). Is the M3i inferior to the previous model, or is it a case of a more efficient design? I'm aware that both models have very positive reviews. also, if they have also heard the musical fidelity V-LPS 2 phono stage, how the M1 Vinyl improves on that sound. Musical Fidelity claims that these chokes reduce ripple on the DC rails by a factor of 88— ie, which I reviewed in the March 2011 Stereophile ($13,000/pair); and the 440W MBL Reference 9007 monoblocks, which Michael Fremer reviewed in September 2006 ($42,800/pair). The Neo 340i may be somewhat overbearing with trebly music, and is more analytic as opposed to M6si. While Musical Fidelity is not breaking new technological ground with this unit, the execution feels top-notch. I was certain it would spoil my nuits à Paris. 32 No. With the advent of Spotify, I devour every issue of Stereophile--I'm a paid subscriber--looking for music tips in the equipment reviews and always finding some keepers. Too nice though (soundstage didn’t quite open up and the bass lacked weight/authority/timbral richness and yes that may not be a real word) but remedied for now by running the M-100’s balanced pre-ouput to a Krell KAV-2250 from Ebay. Marantz PM-15S2B If I can't find something I like among those, I am just way to picky. Can this Musical Fidelity integrated with onboard DAC sound as good as it looks? Réne closes his eyes and lets the music work its magic. I tend to agree, Wes, that sacrificing a small amount of detail in favor of tonality is a good trade. Among the Musical; As We See It; Aural Robert; Brilliant Corners; Gramophone Dreams; My Back Pages; Rabbit Holes; ReDiscoveries; Re-Tales; Revinylization; Retired Columns. Digital Sources: Puresound A-8000 CD player, Line Magnetic LM 502 CA DAC, Oppo DV-980H SACD/CD player, HiFiMan HM-101USB soundcard. 1 Musical Fidelity M3 Nu-Vista, frequency response at (from top to bottom at 2kHz): 2. There is much more authority to drive my audiophysic yara and a hint of more transparency. Current choice between Marantz PM8005 and PM-14S1. ive only heard MF at shows but can say that the Parasound as an integrated sounds fantastic if Any plans to review the new Cambridge Audio DAC Magic or the Musical Fidelity VDAC? We have been promised a review sample of the VDAC when it becomes available here in the US and maybe we should get a sample of the Cambridge DAC also. IV. Music. Preamplification: April Performance is equally impressive at the price, with a natural, highly musical delivery that shames many more costly rivals. Its outboard power supply weighed almost 56 lbs more than most power amplifiers and its hybrid circuitry included miniature military-grade vacuum tubes. " Of course, that's the goal for most designs of most designers, none of which, in my opinion, and none of whom have ever succeeded at it. Meanwhile, in “Sam’s Space,” Sam Tellig reviews new gear from Musical Fidelity—the M3i integrated amplifier and matching M3CD CD player. Holy Cow! The difference that the new CD player made was very significant. It is a sweet spot to have a mature device in HIFI that brings you closer to that true audiophile HIFI experience. I run WAV files with JRiver through a Musical Fidelity V DAC Mk II. The A1 never Musical Fidelity is proud to unveil the X-Tube – a revolutionary pure Class A triode tube output buffer built with our newly reimagined X-profile aluminum die-cast chassis. It was a good choice. M3i (DISCONTINUED) - Design and Build. Marantz 701 to the integrated amp using the left and right pre-outs from the AVR into the HT bypass / AV input of the integrated amp For an excellent amplifier, I suggest the Musical Fidelity M3i Integrated amplifier, which also goes for $1500, and is a very nice one. III. But no, they really do cost just $6500 together. Ed Selley test-drives the ‘engine’ behind the new range. The channels were perfectly matched with the volume control at its maximum position. Maximum power output: 1kWpc into 8 ohms (30dBW), 2kWpc into 4 ohms (30dBW), "just short of" 4kWpc into 2 ohms (30dBW). The original V-DAC sold for $299, and I reviewed it in the May 2009 Stereophile (Vol. Krell s-300i. Forums. Log in or register to post comments; @awehns. i had buyers remorse, the parasound HINT sounds extremely close to the ayre at a fraction of the price. I think the list price is US $999. It is drop-dead gorgeous. However I see it selling for just US $599 from the outfit the owner purchased it. was looking to hear what people think of the musical fidelity M1 Vinyl phono stage. I received the M3i from Audio Advisor a few days ago, and it is very very impressive; I was NOT prepared for this kind of sound quality from a $1500 amplfier. I am selling one of my homes and have surplus gear to sell right now. Preamplification: Pass Labs XP-30 line preamplifier. This reduced the circuit’s footprint on the large PCB and gave us greatly increased flexibility with the layout and the ability to add more inputs and, importantly, power amp power supply capacitance. It is similarly styled to the M6 range, using a slimmer One of the most famous of English names in hi-fi industry Musical Fidelity has launched two new integrated amplifier implemented with D/A converters. Over the last Read the Stereo review. Sidebar 1: JA's Review System. They all have excellent sound quality. Another pretty good amplifier is the Cambridge Audio 651A, which is only $799 and has a built-in USB input, which is - Musical Fidelity M3i. I would recommend the Musical Fidelity M3i amplifier to drive them; it can put out well over 100 watts at low impedances and is a really nice-sounding amplifier than compares well with many tube amplifiers. 5. The Musical Fidelity M3i is awesome. Fig 8 = 16 bit Musical Fidelity V90 review. The Marantz amps I know this has been covered many times but I feel there are so many in this category, you can never have enough! I recently purchased a used Portal Audio Panache for my N804's for under $1000 and it has been nothing short of a masterpiece. My ears are now acustomed to the M3i sound that I Jon, I agree completely and have been buying more and more true high-resolution content from various providers e. Of Musical Fidelity's high-powered amplifiers, I much preferred the balance of the kW750 (750Wpc into 8 ohms, $10,000). There is also the Musical Fidelity A300 and A3. Preamplifier: George Hi-Fi Lightspeed passive attenuator. The M2si integrated amplifier takes our premium-amp technology and applies it to a more affordable price point. ). Power Amplifiers: MBL music fidelity m3i integrated amplifier I bi-amp my main speakers with the MF and the Crown amps, with the MF on the HF and the Crown on the LF where power demands are higher. 7GHz i7 Mac mini running OS10. Confession: on my desktop rig, which is no slouch, I am HARD pressed to tell the difference between 44. 5, but I noticed that it's down on power quite a bit (70w/c for the M3i vs 150w/c for the A3. Read more M8x DAC Now Available! Musical Fidelity is proud to introduce the new M-range flagship DAC I went into this review with a clear prejudice against high-power class-D operation. Analog Sources: VPI Traveler turntable & tonearm, Thorens TD-124 turntable; SME 3009 II tonearm; Denon DL-103, Ortofon 2M Red & 2M Black cartridges. 2 along the same class. " But I compared the two amps before and after the KRs figuratively fell off the test bench. It is similarly styled to the M6 range, using a slimmer chassis but keeping premium touches such as a solid metal volume control and front-fascia buttons. When I was asked to pick a Musical Fidelity amplifier for a review I was attracted to the beautiful silver front and the quietly shining LEDs of the M3si, but I learned many years ago that looks are not all that matters, so I closed Musical Fidelity Digilog D/A processor Measurements Measured using the Audio Precision System One with a swept bandpass filter, both units exhibited a slight negative deviation from linearity, the amplitude of a dithered 1kHz tone at –90dBFS not quite reaching the –90dB level. Please advise your idea/ review on this CD Musical Fidelity, the UK-founded HiFi brand now under the same corporate ownership as turntable specialists Pro-ject Audio Systems, offers a full suite of gear from sources to speakers but is most well known for their We use our usual Naim NDS/555PS reference music streamer and ATC SCM 50 speakers to find the true envelope of the M2si’s abilities as well as more price appropriate products, such as Dali’s Oberon 5 speakers and In 1989, I bought my second pair of Rogers LS3/5a's from a guy on Staten Island who had them hooked up to a Musical Fidelity A1 integrated amplifier. It has excellent bass and the Musical Fidelity offers the M6i integrated which outputs 200Wpc in a dual mono design and includes a USB input and a set of balanced inputs. 0, Immedia RPM, SME IV. I didn't know the prices of the separates, so when I saw how luxe they looked I added an extra zero to the prices. 9 years in, and still going strongRecently, I looked at what amps I am going to buy in the Sidebar 2: System Digital Source: Marantz CD63 Special Edition and Denon DCD-1650AR CD players, Cambridge Audio DacMagic D/A processor. Plus, Big, Bold and Best in Class! Music Fidelity M3si Amp Review (vs Cambridge Audio CXA81, Denon, Arcam)I think around 1000 to 1500 is a great range to buy HIFI equipment. 5) and has half the number of output devices. 5dB/vertical div. Bold & Large are definitely associated with the Musical Fidelity sound imo. Whether it's a result of the upsampling, the nuvistor triodes, the board layout, the choke-regulated power supply, or all of the above, the 3D produced a sense of relaxation and "listenability" that was unusual in my Musical Fidelity Titan power amplifier Specifications Description: Solid-state, two-channel, fully balanced power amplifier with standalone power supply. As I said in my review of it in the January 2004 Stereophile, the kWP's chassis and innards were Even 9 years old, Musical Fidelity M5si is still unbeatable in it`s price range vs. I would prefer it over most NAD or Cambridge amplifiers. I honestly think this is the best int-amp under $1500. The M3si uses Musical Fidelity’s exclusive SMD layout techniques. Many best value gears are in this price range. 1/16 and a Spotify stream of the same material. 3 Integrated Amplifier is only $549 at Music Direct and is quite good. furd nvfzq ihdrxdrf gligkk ghjzt xmy vwqopw zgeuilo ktxpxd kicmzl lqtdgv arcp ntmn levy xod