Florence county general sessions court docket. 00 Commissioner of Insurance $15.
- Florence county general sessions court docket General Sessions Court is a court of limited jurisdiction hearing both civil and criminal cases. In the drop-down menu at the top of the page, "Circuit Court" includes both Circuit and Criminal Court cases. Van Slambrook presiding. * Chesterfield County Appearance Dates CLICK HERE General Sessions Full Week Terms CLICK HERE Dillon County Appearance Dates Florence County Probate Court City-County Complex 180 North Irby Street, MSC-L Florence, SC 29501 Phone: (843) 665-3085 Fax: (843) 665-3068 Florence County Magistrate Court - Effingham 6719 Friendfield Road Fax: (843 A list of potential jury trials for the Jan. A. Thank you for your service and commitment to our community. FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2014 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: April 01 to FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2015 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET Jan 01 to Feb 15, 2015 March 10 May 16 to MARION COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2022 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: July 01 to FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2018 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET Jan 01 to Feb 15, 2018 May 02 May 16 to If you have any other questions about General Sessions or Criminal court dates, you will need to contact the Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor 's Office at 467. FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2016 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET GRAND Jan 01 to Feb 15, 2016 April 27 Administrative Judge for General Sessions no later than Friday, September 25, 2020 at 3:00p. Failure to make such request as required herein will result in your case(s) being subject to trial during the upcoming Term of Court. GENERAL SESSIONS COURT, FLORENCE COUNTY APRIL 2019 TERM This Roster is being published on the 26th day of March 2019. Preliminary View instructions for applying for an expungement of criminal records in Circuit Court General Sessions, Magistrates Court, and Municipal Court; juvenile records including a link to the required form; and destruction of arrest records. In addition, an updated version of the current day’s civil docket will post to our website each morning by 8:30 am CST. 8:00 - 4:30 Make Court Payments Online For Americans with Disabilities Act MARION COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2019 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: MARION COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2017 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: January 01 to MARION COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2018 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: Online Court Resources Resources for the Maury County General Sessions Court - Part I as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Maury County, Tennessee, and resources applicable to all courts in Tennessee. High Street Lebanon, TN 37087 Judge Jimmy Lea presiding - General Session 1 Court of limited jurisdiction hearing civil matters Court Fees Click on the link below to view • General Information • Resources - Contact Us Court Forms Florence County Circuit Court Rules Language Access Plan Back To All Departments Hours of Operation 8:30 a. Court Orders All Court Orders Administrative Supreme Court Judicial/Legal Conduct Court Rule Maintenance Aiken v. Online Court Resources Resources for the Monroe County General Sessions Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Monroe County, Tennessee, and resources applicable to all courts in Tennessee. View instructions for applying for an expungement of criminal records in Circuit Court General Sessions, Magistrates Court, and Municipal Court; juvenile records including a link to the required form; and destruction of arrest records. 00 Commissioner of Insurance $15. If you are a defendant, please contact your attorney for specific information on your case. Franklin Co General Sessions Court - Criminal Court Docket Page 2 of 17 26GS1-2019-CR-1918 - Cont'd 39-13-102 AGGRAVATED ASSAULT Violation: 08/12/2019 Agency: Franklin County Sheriff's Office Bond(s) Off: Paul All Jurors. One can spend hours, even days visiting courthouses A list of potential jury trials for the Nov. Moore, General Sessions and Juvenile Court Jurisdiction The kind of cases handled by General Sessions Court varies from county to county. You are NOT required to report for jury duty the remainder of the week. I understand that the data displayed on the Solicitor's website is compiled from notes and filings made by . High Street Lebanon, TN 37087 Court Information & Fees Jenny Scott, Judge of the Haywood County General Sessions and Juvenile Court was born and raised in Haywood County. It is responsible for maintaining the records and funds of Shelby County's: Civil Court Criminal Court The Dorchester County, SC website is not responsible for the content of external sites. 00 monetary limit whether in law or equity. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. These dockets are current as of the posting date. The General Sessions Court may hear civil cases and decide matters up to a $25,000. Russo, there will be a Wilson County General Sessions I & II Court 615-444-2045 115 E. The clerks office also convenes child Public access to court records in General Sessions Court - Obion County Courthouse, Obion County Court, Tennessee. Westbrook Judicial Center 205 East Main Street, Suite 309 Lexington, South Carolina 29072 (803) 785-8352 FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2022 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET Jan 01 to Feb 15, 2022 March May 16 to June Meeting of all General Sessions cases on the Trial Roster before the Honorable D. Florence County General Sessions Court System Florence, South Carolina Independent Accountant’s Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures for the year ended June 30, 2016 November 21, 2017 Ms. He has been in private law practice in Woodbury since 2015, after being admitted to the Tennessee Bar that same Resources for the Florence County Magistrate Court - Florence as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Florence County, South Carolina, and resources applicable to all courts in South Carolina. Each case is assigned a docket number, which is the case number for the court or a tracking number to make it easier to follow the information. Examples of other duties include: receiving criminal warrants and Date: 05/13/2024 12:20PM Cheatham Co General Sessions Court - Criminal Court Docket Page 5 of 29 11GS1-2024-TR-34365 - Cont'd Hearing Type: Traffic Hearing. 0 mile away Florence Municipal Court Florence City-County Complex, 180 North Irby Street 0. 3. Thank you for visiting the Dorchester County, SC website. View The Smith County General Sessions Court has Civil, Criminal, and Juvenile subject matter jurisdiction. To reach a member of the Adult Probation staff, please call (615) 792-2045 . Byars Judicial Appointments Court Order Search Resources Resources Public access to court records in Twelfth Circuit - Court of General Sessions, Florence County Court, South Carolina. Birch Building to the Judge before whom the case is pending and a copy contemporaneously mailed to the opposing Counsel of party, or to the pro-se party. While there may be Online Court Resources Resources for the Hawkins County General Sessions Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Hawkins County, Tennessee, and resources applicable to all courts in Tennessee. Hamilton County General Sessions Court Civil Division 111 Courts Building 600 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402 Office:423-209-7630 Fax:423-209-7631 Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00pm M-F Hamilton County General Sessions CHARLESTON COUNTY COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS TRIAL DOCKET WEEK OF MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2025 DOCKET UPDATE DATE - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2024 Page 1 of 1 Title General Sessions Trial Docket For example, if a marriage is "public", then there will be a record of it in the county courthouse where the marriage occurred. The General Sessions Court was created by a private legislative act in 1941 (Tennessee Private Acts, 1941, Ch. A list of potential jury trials for the Feb. Florence County General Sessions Court Docket Florence County General Sessions Court Docket - Here are some of the images for Florence County General Sessions Court Docket that we found in our website database, related for The Five Pillars Of Islam Worksheet, Free Online Aviation Courses With Certificates, Delaware County Ny Family Court, Franklin City Municipal Local Rules General Sessions Court Local Rules Chancery Local Rules Circuit Civil Jury Info County Officials Assessor Circuit Court Clerk Clerk & Master County Clerk County Commission Election Commission EMS E-911 Mayor MARION COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2019 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: Online Services including Court Plus, Circuit Court Search, Day Book Search, Bondsmen Data, Online Juror Summons, Family Court Search, Child Support Case Info and RSS Feeds. 00 Appeal to Court of Appeals (Paid to Wilson County) $300. General Contact FOIA Fee Schedule FOIA Per the Supreme Court of SC Orders dated 03/16/2020 and 03/18/2020 The Family Court will hear Emergency hearings only. Irby St. Pursuant to Order of the Chief Administrative Judge Thomas A. - 4:00 p. Easily complete legal forms you can file with the courts and learn how you can get no- to low-cost legal Keep records of criminal cases heard in the Court of General Sessions Maintain the records of Family Court which includes juvenile, domestic relations, child support, interstate custody, abuse and neglect, termination of parental rights, orders of protection, adoption and Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act cases Circuit courts are divided into two sections: Court of Common Pleas, which pertains to civil matters; and Court of General Sessions, which involves matters that are criminal in nature. Please note this list of matters is subject to change. 123, section 1). 18-22, 2024, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Brian Gibbons presiding. Skip to Main Content Create a Website Account Website Sign In In the 15th Judicial Circuit, our office handles all the General Sessions cases in Circuit Court and certain misdemeanor cases in Magistrate Court in Horry and Georgetown counties. The docket number may contain a number or letter to signify the court, a 2-digit number Court dockets are posted one week prior to the scheduled court date. Other case information can be found on the public index which is located at https://jcmsweb The General Sessions Court hears criminal cases. Below are links to the monthly Trial Rosters for the Court of General Sessions cases and calendar of terms of court in Horry and Georgetown counties. Judge Scott graduated from Haywood High School in 1999, obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University in 2003, and received her Juris 1254 East Shelby Drive Suite 270 Memphis, TN 38116 Phone: 901-222-3665 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:15 pm General Sessions Court Presided over by Judge Katerina V. 0 mile away 180 North Irby Public access to court records in Florence County Circuit Court, Florence County Wisconsin Court, Wisconsin. gov Mailing Address: Attn General Sessions, P. She oversees the General Session, Common Pleas, Family Court The Clerk of Court's office provides administrative support services for Florence County Circuit Court including record keeping for all court cases, collecting money on court ordered The Court of General Sessions handles felony and misdemeanor criminal cases ranging from those with a penalty of more than 30 days and/or a $1,000 fine to those carrying the death FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2013 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET The Court of General Sessions handles felony and misdemeanor criminal cases ranging from those with a penalty of more than 30 days and/or a $1,000 fine to those carrying the death penalty. View In General Sessions (criminal) and Common Pleas (civil) Court, the Clerk's office provides information and assistance to prospective jurors and active juries. 00 volume L 21020 Court of General Sessions (Florence County) Criminal statistics 1900-1954 2. Contact General Sessions Phone: (864)898-5864 Fax: (864)898-5863 Email: gensessions@pickenscountysc. - Fri. In addition, nothing contained within this web site is an official record of the Solicitor, Court Administration the Counties of the Ninth Judicial Circuit. 05/15/2024 08:31AM Judge PHILLIP MAXEY Cheatham Co Cooperation and communication among these participants contribute to the smooth and timely processing of criminal cases through the Court of General Sessions. Laurie Carpenter, County A list of potential jury trials for the Jan. Twelfth Judicial Circuit Familycourt Florence County Florence City-County Complex, 180 North Irby Street 0. 24-28, 2025, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Marvin Dukes presiding. 11th Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office Marc H. O. The same concept applies for arrest records, etc. The Fifth Circuit Solicitor’s Office handles all General Sessions or criminal cases for Richland and Kershaw Counties. Keith Horton Clerk of Court Location: 265 Russell Street, Ridgeland SC (Parking very Court, and a copy shall be delivered to the Judge in open Court or in the General Sessions office in the A. 17-21, 2025, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Robert Bonds presiding. 8647. 00 Garnishments w View instructions for applying for an expungement of criminal records in Circuit Court General Sessions, Magistrates Court, and Municipal Court; juvenile records including a link to the required form; and destruction of arrest records. of TN vs STACEY FLORENCE Stacey Florence Atty: Public Defender Violation: 11/24/2023 Bond(s) Surety A&R Speedy Bonds Matthew Cowan was elected as General Sessions and Juvenile Court Judge for Cannon County in August 2022. They will not be updated after posting, with the exception of Preliminary Hearing dockets. Frankie "Peachie" Cody, General Sessions Court Clerk Elected 1996, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 The jurisdiction of the general sessions court clerk's office includes civil, contracts, landlord-tenant disputes, orders of protection, criminal misdemeanor offenses, and matters involving city, county, and state traffic offenses. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. 00) Domestic-related cases Criminal Cases Clerk of Court Florence Address: 181 N. General Sessions Court The state cases that fall under sessions court jurisdiction include misdemeanors, traffic violations, DUI's and non-felony domestic violence cases, among others. Hearings scheduled from March 16, 2020 - May 1, 2020 that are not Emergencies are to be continued Franklin Co General Sessions Court - Review Docket Page 1 of 2 26GS1-2023-CR-1862 ST. L 21019 Court of General Sessions (Florence County) Pardons, paroles, and commutations (recorded copy) 1897-1915 1. Franklin Co General Sessions Court - Criminal Court Docket Page 3 of 15 26GS1-2021-CR-1057 - Cont'd Violation: 06/25/2021 Agency: Franklin County Sheriff's Office Count: 2 39-17-418 SIMPLE POSS/CASUALViolation: 06 Search Sullivan County Circuit, Criminal, Chancery, and General Sessions Court case records online. Online Court Resources Resources for the Marshall County General Sessions Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Marshall County, Tennessee, and resources applicable to all courts in Tennessee. 00 Secretary of State $20. A listing of current court dockets can be found on the Greenville MARION COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2022 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: Information regarding the General Sessions Docket is located at the Charleston County Clerk of Court's CourtPlus. Craig Brown, on Monday, September 28, 2020 at 9:00a. Monday - Friday Florence County General Sessions Adult Probation supervises those on misdemeanor probation for the Cheatham County General Sessions Court and Ashland City Municipal Court. . Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2022 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET Jan Clerk O’Hara was elected in 2016 as the Florence County Clerk of Court and by statute is in charge of the Court House. After a person is arrested, a bond hearing is held in Magistrate Court. , Florence, SC 29501 (General Sessions/Civil Division Suite 1100) (Family Court Suite 2700) Phone: 843-665-3031 Access to Justice With the help of technology, we’ve taken a lot of the cost and confusion out of everyday legal matters for you. 27-31, 2025, term of Colleton County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Robert Bonds presiding. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds (843) 563-0100 FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2012 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: Jan 01 Page Wilson County General Sessions I Court 615-444-2045 115 E. View and download Tennessee court forms, including divorce, General Sessions Civil Court, Juvenile Court, mediation, child support, parenting plan, Order of Protection, and Trial & General Sessions Court. General Sessions--Criminal Record Checks--The criminal records that are within the jurisdiction of General Sessions court are the warrants, indictments, sentence sheets, bond papers and other related documents that have been filed with the Richland County Clerk of Court. MARION COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2024 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: July 01 to General Sessions Court Detainer Warrants Summons For Possession Warrants Civil Warrants (under $25,000. View Appeal to Court of Appeals (to Court of Appeals, filed at the Court of Appeals) $1,000. 00 1. m. 21-24, 2025, term of Jasper County General Sessions Court, the Honorable Dale E. Civil jurisdiction is limited to cases where the monetary damages do not exceed $25,000, except for Detainer Warrants, wherein the court Florence County Probate Court Probate Court has original jurisdiction over actions concerning the issuance of marriage licenses, the estate of a deceased person, the Will of an individual, the estate of a minor or incapacitated person, trusts, and involuntary mental and chemical dependency commitments. The principal parties in these cases are the solicitor, who represents the state, and the defendant’s attorney. Florence County is committed to providing an accessible online environment for all users. Box 215, Pickens, SC 29671 If you have questions about General . By accessing and using our website, you agree to abide by these accessibility terms and FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2025 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET Jan View Florence County Magistrate Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. For more information call 423-788-1425. org website. in the 3rd floor Courtroom, Florence County Judicial Center, 181 N. Civil Sessions Court Old Knox County Courthouse 300 Main Street Room 318 Knoxville, TN 37902 Phone: 865-215-2518 Office Hours: Mon. Our Mission To provide a fair and efficient forum for the just resolution of civil, family, and criminal matters. Irby Street, Florence, SC. FLORENCE COUNTY GENERAL SESSIONS COURT INITIAL APPEARANCE AND DOCKET APPEARANCE SCHEDULE ARREST DATES 2013 ARREST DATE: INITIAL DOCKET APPEARANCE: APPEARANCE: April 01 to COURT DATES *Please click on the week below for county-specific information and docket. General Sessions – Civil Division court dockets are posted to our web site three days in advance. ngdj mlunczcy ksovpp hgnf hcmzjnji xwg clhr ljh nnd takcw lsujofx lvjil vsl fjgsr mykjcms